Tips on How to Increase Restaurant Delivery Sales 

Tips on how to increase restaurant delivery sales

The delivery era has taken the first step in today’s world. Online ordering amongst customers has taken a boom in the current scenario and it is creating a steady rise in the number of people. 

The pandemic has pushed started the scene of takeaways and home deliveries and dine-in has taken a backseat amongst people. 


Nowadays, people prefer to order food from the convenience of their homes. And this change has created a gold mine for the restaurant business even in the tough times. They were able to face the challenges during tough times and come up with ease only because of takeaways and home delivery.


Enhancing the online platform of your business will help you in creating a brand name for your restaurant in the competitive market. Developing an error-free experience for all customers is the top priority these days. And access to the digital world will facilitate the experience more easily without any extra effort.


A recent survey says that 61% of customers prefer takeaway deliveries over dine-in services. More than 60% of operators have been found to comprise incremental sales due to their takeaway and home delivery services. With the change in scenarios, dine-in has taken a backseat and food takeaway is driving its way through the restaurant business.


Having limited or no access to home delivery options for customers will drop the restaurant business. And this is the correct time to take assistance from a third party who works wonders for restaurant owners to reach the maximum audience. Many restaurants prefer to start their mobile app for restaurants or online ordering solution to set up a loyal group of clients.


Let’s have a look at some tips on how to increase restaurant delivery sales:


  • Select the right service provider to associate with

Many delivery service providers help you in boosting up your sales but they also cut major commissions from your earnings which is meaningless. So if you are planning to take help from a third party, make sure to select the right delivery partner that charges minimally and is commission free in their services. 


Various other factors can be considered like reliability, experience, and credibility in the sector and the help they offer. It is very important to have complete control of your branding throughout the whole process and also get full access to the client data for marketing use.


  • Create your website for ordering food

Having your website will help you to get rid of paying third parties. Your delivery setup will provide flexibility in updating menus, time slots, and delivery changes if required. Having a 3rd party as a delivery partner will make your restaurant dependent on them which is a major drawback considering the urgent help needed from your end. These vendors work with multiple restaurants and it takes time to get addressed in the market. 

  • Get a mobile ordering app

It is said that profits in mobile ordering apps are going to boost in coming years. Having your mobile ordering app will ease a lot of things for your clients. They can place an order from anywhere at any time and get instant notifications about food status on their mobile app. 

Prompt payment options, easy access, and delivery on your doorstep within a few minutes make mobile ordering even more simple and quick.

  • Unite with the masses through social media platforms

Social media is one of the finest platforms to reach a maximum number of people in just a few clicks. The benefit is that it is easy to manage and gives numerous benefits. You can promote your free online ordering system on social media sites and let the message go air. 

Instagram has become the widest platform for the restaurant business. You can post visually attractive posts and grab the attention of the followers. You can go live and show food updates and how it is being prepared in the kitchen and also share the specialty of your restaurant and build a strong connection between you and your loyal customers. This will directly give a boost to your restaurant delivery sales.

  • Start promoting your restaurant business through email marketing and through signage

Assign your signage at your restaurant and let your customers know that you also provide online ordering to encourage them for home delivery options. Place the signage at a place where it gets noticed and the crowd can stop there for seconds and register it in their minds. 

By this, they can also opt for home deliveries or takeaways. 

Email marketing is much underrated in marketing your business but it still proves to be the greatest way to get connected with customers. Dropping pop-ups or newsletters on online ordering will increase delivery sales in the restaurant. Customer data can be used in many ways to increase the sales of your restaurant.

Starting delivery and takeaway services via an online ordering system will pull out your restaurant business through tough times. Restaurant delivery options always keep your business proactive and at the forefront as compared to other competitors. The restaurant business has changed a lot and online ordering is a top-class formula for staying ahead in sales and marketing.


Managing your restaurant business requires a lot of tactics. After all, labor costs, food cutting, and managing all the margins cannot be ignored. 


But how to increase delivery sales in the restaurant is a question that needs to be answered. Improving your restaurant delivery sales for successful growth is critical and that is why we have put some options together on how to increase restaurant delivery sales. 


No matter what tips and tricks you apply, implementing some marketing features will make your restaurant business much easier. Below are some points to follow up on for good restaurant delivery sales:


  1. Optimize your menu


Is your menu just a collection of the main course, drinks, and desserts? If yes, then it is time to evolve your menu. The scrumptiousness of your cuisine will not stand out if it is not ranked to its full potential. 


Make your menu attractive and appealing which will grab the attention of the audience. If your restaurant website is handling the same iteration for many years, it’s time to refresh your menu on a seasonal basis. 


Uploading a new menu is also a great option to promote your restaurant business on social media and other marketing platforms. Also using high-quality pictures of your dishes will work like a bonus for your delivery sales.


2. Plan a theme-based event


Planning an event full of special attractions and surprises is always a good idea. It can pull up your sales and bring profits to your restaurant business. Whether it is a date night, family event, or wine-tasting event, select the right technology to make your event a successful one. 


With the help of the right management, you can communicate well with your staff and management team to grab the attention of the customers. Moreover, it will increase your restaurant sales like anything.


There are an endless number of creative ideas that can be hosted at your restaurant venue to give a fresh start to the business. Reach out to the local market and create partnerships that will improve restaurant sales in no time.


3. Generate a social media presence


The majority of customers use social media platforms which means the restaurant which has been active in creating a strong social media presence will have major profits.  


Make sure to have business accounts on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and other social media websites.  Upload high-quality pictures and good taglines to reach a maximum number of people.


4. Focus on branded products


Do you have a coffee shop with a specialty of roasted beans? Start selling them in an appealing package. Selling something you are known for will boost your restaurant delivery sales. 


You can also invest in simply printed t-shirts for your staff and designing will also increase the sales.


5. Augment the pace of service


It is a fact that the more tables you turn per hour, the more money comes into your pocket. So why not provide efficient tools to your staff members to increase the efficiency and speed of the restaurant services?  


Just like the mobile POS device gives a member of staff serving at the table to send orders directly from the integrated POS for restaurants to the kitchen. 


6. Partnership with popular delivery services


In today’s technical world, convenience is the key. Getting associated with popular delivery services will help you in increasing restaurant delivery sales. Creating a partnership with delivery services is a major strategy to boost sales in the restaurant. 


This can help in streamlining your ordering process and grab the attention of the customers and also provide a satisfying experience to your existing customers all from the convenience of your smartphones.

7. Embrace the rule of upselling


Give training to your servers to be better salespersons by mastering the art of up-selling. Perrier or bottled water? Extra chicken in your Caesar salad? This is another great setting for your POS system. 


It will increase the average restaurant sales by prompting the servers to recommend add-ons and highlight the price modifier to the customers.


8. Plan a workshop


If you have the best pizza in town or killer cocktails, then show off the skills and plan to host a virtual or non-virtual workshop for the customers along with complimentary drinks and pizza slices. 


Organizing the workshop will not only boost your restaurant business but it will also get some extra cash in your business. It is a great way to amplify sales without advertising.


9. Implement new marketing strategies


Email marketing is a tried and tested way to reach the maximum number of customers. But text marketing is a new way of marketing and one should try this out. Create offers for the customers to subscribe and get free muffins and then you can start weekly messaging to increase your subscribers. 


Your customers will look forward to such offers and this will increase your brand value and sales eventually.


10. Private dining options


If theme parties are not your thing then private dining can be a good option for you. You can plan out simple semi-private dining surrounded by beautiful curtains for a more private space.  Such things work like magic when your restaurant business is running slow or normally closed due to certain reasons.


11. Generate a restaurant newsletter


It is always said that a properly created newsletter for a restaurant will give you huge success as it is one of the most effective ways to increase your sales. The newsletter will outpace the effectiveness of social media. It will give you more control to target your audience.


12. Plan pop-up experience


Restaurants and pop-up bars are trending these days. Pop-ups have created a boom in social media platforms to draw the attention of the crowd. You can also host events on special days with a special cocktail menu. You can also collaborate with the local chef who can show off his skill on special days. 


Such things will help you in increasing the delivery sales in the restaurant.


13. Stay organized


When things are not organized, it also impacts the restaurant sales. Especially when you are planning an event without organizing things it will become more crucial for you to keep up with the trends and grab the attention of the audience. 


14. Participate in intercity restaurant events


If you are not participating in such events, it is the right time to get your brand recognized and get exposure. This is the most effective way to attract more customers. It is also a great way to show your signature dishes and also experiment with new ones. 


You can also make people aware of your private event’s offerings like special deals, chef-special dishes, and much more.


15. Start a restaurant loyalty program


If you want your customers to be loyal to your restaurant and want them to visit again and again. There are many things to be considered to keep your loyal customers. You can opt for weekend offers, coupons, and special desserts that will make them participate in your events for more participation.


16. Provide excellent service


Great service and offering top-notch customer experience is not just enough when you are serving the customers at your restaurant. Restaurant delivery orders should be extended.

  • Make sure the food delivered is hot: food delivered hot makes your customers believe that the food is prepared freshly. If it is not hot, it can mark an impression that it could be stale and leave a negative impact on customers. All such things can be taken care of by the delivery time and ensuring that the orders should reach on time to the customers.
  • Make sure the delivery boys are equipped with insulated food bags which keep the food hot and cold things fresh during the ride. Items like drinks, dry ice, and ice creams- keep everything fresh.
  • Pack the food properly in delivery vehicles: proper care should be taken so that the food should not be messed up and spilled in the containers. Messed-up food always gives a wrong impression to the customers and doesn’t look appealing. You can always opt for unique and safe packing techniques and use containers that are airtight and good in quality.
  • Give proper attention to the essential add-ons:  it will be disappointing to the customers if necessary add-ons will not be added to your order. Like you ordered pizza and oregano, chili flakes, and ketchup, tissues are not there. All such things can make your customers a little disappointed. The entire ordering experience should be convenient and stress-free. All the basic add-ons should be kept properly with the food items.


17. Track deliveries and assign orders with new-era technology


You can use the latest technology for assigning orders to your delivery agents and then track them once the order is dispatched. There are many online platforms where you can assign orders to a third party. You can always keep the track of your delivery process from dispatch to delivery to the designated address. 


Such apps help you to register the time, track the delivery staff and also analyze the time it takes for orders to be delivered. 


18. Make clear communication


Phone order is the most prevalent way to order food. But it can also be inefficient as there are many chances where your staff can note down incorrect orders due to poor communication skills. 


Make sure that your staff is well efficient to understand the basic language over the phone. They should be trained enough to understand the order and communicate with telephonic etiquette.  Also, the customer must understand what the person on the other side is saying while writing the order.




Having a stipulation for delivery is a great way to increase sales, profits, and revenue margins in your restaurant business.  The online ordering food structure has changed the old traditional restaurant used to work. With other online ordering platforms, online ordering is the new contemporary way to take restaurant delivery sales to the next level. 


Add on to this, it is a new cashless economy and the digital payment option has been taken to a next level. All digital processes are giving steady growth in the restaurant business.


However, a badly executed delivery service will damage your renowned brand name within seconds. A bad ordering experience will also hamper your dine-in restaurant and this is where important delivery management skills arise.

Almost everyone in the restaurant space is accepting restaurant delivery orders. Poor sales and high rentals are creating pressure on restaurant owners. For many restaurants, food delivery is the primary business as it has taken a front seat these days. In such a competitive time, you need to make sure that you are ahead of everything in this restaurant business.

When it comes to restaurant food delivery, you can never compromise the quality and the time for food delivery. People who order food are eager to receive the food as quickly as possible and delayed delivery can make them cynical about ordering from your restaurant next time. Late and messed up orders can destroy the customer experience.


Here is how App2food works for you

App2food works exclusively with its clients. It has the most incredible set of teams to work with, which will guide you to know how to increase restaurant delivery sales without any issues.

As a service partner to your restaurant, App2food will upload your food menu and photos on mobile apps without any cost. We will work together to get the information on the page just right without any mistakes. App2food can make your food delivery system super easy and convenient both for the customers and restaurant owners. We make sure to provide hassle-free services to our clients for a long-lasting relationship.

Many restaurants ask their existing clients to place an order through App2food because it offers a quick delivery process and the order is delivered on time.  The orders are placed by the clients either online or with the help of our sales staff. We confirm the order and pass the details for processing the order. 

Once it is approved, you can get the indicated delivery time on the mobile app.

It is said that online ordering is increasing about 80% of orders for all restaurants on average and mostly every 2nd restaurant is opting for online delivery partners who help them with the hassles of having in-house delivery staff. If you still haven’t integrated your restaurant with delivery agencies, it is the right time to process this thing for a massive increase in restaurant sales.

